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total acidity中文是什么意思

用"total acidity"造句"total acidity"怎么读"total acidity" in a sentence


  • 总酸度
  • 总酸值


  • Determination of hydrolytic total acidity in forest soil
  • Hydrochloric acid for industrial use - part 1 : determination of total acidity - section 1 : titrimetric method
  • Hydrochloric acid for industrial use - part 1 : determination of total acidity - section 2 : potentiometric method
  • Chemical analysis of maleic and phtahlic anhydrides . estimate of concentration by determination of total acidity with phthenolphthalein
  • The vinegars could be identified according to their brands , kinds , and the total acidity of the vinegars indicated by the principal component analysis
  • Sulphuric acid and oleum for industrial use . determination of total acidity , and calculation of free sulphur trioxide content of oleum . titrimetric method
  • Test for total acidity following the instructions in your acid testing kit . if the acidity is less than . 7 % , add enough tartaric acid to bring it to that level
    测定酸度:用你的测酸计测葡萄汁的酸度,如果酸小于0 . 7 ,就需要添加酒石酸直到你希望的酸度。通常为7 8之间为宜。
  • Quantitative tests for sugar content and total acidity of pears were carried out by this system and the relationship between the fruit reflectance and internal quality indices were obtained by using partial least squares calibration techniques
  • During storing period the husked rice under conventional storage usually has apparent degeneration in its fatty acid content , the total acidity of water - soluble acids also changes distinctly , and the catalase activity and the germination percentage of husked rice will reduce evidently with the extension of storing duration
用"total acidity"造句  


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